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C:/windows/softwaredistribution/download freeHow-to Solve for Your Windows Update Hanging/Failing.
I found a key in the registry that may do this, however being a domain controler I need to do this on I am not taking chances and don't have time to kill another box.. Hi ms,. Thanks for post here. It is no recommend you to do that , it might cause system unstable and damages.
This folder is used to contact hotfix files and update log…etc for window update service ,if you want to increase this folder size, you can termly delete it manually ,here is the workaround:. Stop the Automatic Updates service. To do this, follow these steps:.
Click "Start", click"Run", type "services. Right-click the "Automatic Updates" service. Click "Stop". The service will take a moment to stop. Backup to an alternate location and rename the folder. Start the Automatic Updates service. Click "Start", click "Run", type "services. Right-click the "Automatic Updates" service, and then click "Start". The service will take a moment to start and the folder will be recreated when you try to visit windows update site. You can then delete the folder.
If you still want to redirect this folder to another location ,please consider to create directory symbolic links for this folder. This can be done by using Junction, a utility form sysinternal.
Junction v1. However, please understand that this is not an officially supported solution. Tiger Li. I used a similar method to move my winsxs directory to a seperate drive. I keep all temps, swapfile, caches, logs, on a scratch drive, program files on my d drive, and my os on my c drive.
Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Windows Server TechCenter. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Windows Server General Forum. Sign in to vote. Wednesday, September 15, PM. Hi ms, Thanks for post here. This folder is used to contact hotfix files and update log…etc for window update service ,if you want to increase this folder size, you can termly delete it manually ,here is the workaround: 1.
To do this, follow these steps: a. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Thursday, September 16, AM. I can't say for sure, but I don't believe there's any officially supported way to do this. Are you running out of space? If so, there are probably some other things you should try first.
Fill in the box completely and erase any stray marks. Use only a 2 pencil. Saturday, November 21, PM.
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